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It was WAY too cold to be sightseeing around Maine, so here's what I got!? - This thing! It was a gift to the City of Portland from the Rotary Club to celebrate it's 85th Anniversary on 9/1/2000! Enjoy! Download

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PWM (9)_CoastCityComics
PWM (12)_CoastCityComics
PWM (8)_CoastCityComics
PWM (3)_CoastCityComics
PWM (4)_CoastCityComics
  PWM (19)_Rotary.JPG - It was WAY too cold to be sightseeing around Maine, so here's what I got!? - This thing!  It was a gift to the City of Portland from the Rotary Club to celebrate it's 85th Anniversary on 9/1/2000!  Enjoy!  
PWM (22)_RiRa
PWM (23)_RiRa
SakeBarHagi (2)
Kids_SharkarosaRanch-2013 (102)